Tis the season - to start early!!! Thoughts from a Professional Organizer

Tis the season - to start early!!! What can I do now to make my life easier in one of the busiest seasons? Start early! If you celebrate over the December holidays, then you know it is inevitable that this season will come, and it always comes so fast! One minute it is summer, then it is back to school and before you know it, Christmas carols are playing in the stores. Do you tell yourself every year that you will not be last minute this time and that you will plan early so you can actually enjoy the season? Have you made this happen yet, or do you fall further behind every year? Maybe you are getting closer each year to achieving your goal of preparing early! Regardless, you can make this happen. Here is how: Stop reinventing the wheel each year - if you buy gifts or send cards - have a list of the people you do this for and edit it each year by either adding or removing people to keep it up to date. Have their addresses on the card list and if they e...